Saturday, September 27, 2008

The School

We don't have a lot of battery on our computer and we forgot to bring the cord down, but we'll post a few pictures of the school:

Here's a view of a few of the school buildings. There are 4 in all and each has 3 classrooms in it.

This is the courtyard/playground, with mount Celaque in the background.

Here are a couple of shots of Leah's second grade classroom.

Here is Aren's 5th grade classroom.

And here is Aren demonstrating the iron bars trapping students into all of the classrooms.

Alright, battery's almost gone...just want to let you all know we're doing well, we keep getting more and more used to being here. Let us know how you all are!


Julie said...

I love the pictures. It is cool to get an idea of where you guys are at from them. I am glad to hear things are getting better for you guys. This year will fly by, so make the most of it.

Joel and I are doing well. Same old same old on this end--Joel is busy with school and I am busy with work. You can always check out our blog to learn more about our adventures in Iowa. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello from India! great photos by the way. I just wanted to say hello and I hope you're both doing well! Hopefully we can chat when I get back to the states. Take care! JP