Saturday, September 6, 2008

Quick Update

Hey everyone,
A lot has happened since last time we wrote. We´ve started school, and we´ve also moved into our house. It´s been a very busy and stressful week. At school, all of our students are very behind the curriculum and a lot of Leah´s students have behavior problems. Also, our house is not really finished, so we are living in very rustic conditions right now. Because of these things and some other issues with the school, we aren´t sure where we should go from here. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to figure out what direction to take.


JP said...

Hey guys, we're praying for you, hang in there! (PS check your email for a note).

Joel said...

Yeah, we will definitely keep you in our prayers. It can be tough to know where to go from there.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, thanx for the updates, we like to read them and look forward to each one. God knows the plans for you both, even and especially when, you may not know them yourselves, so stay true and wait on the Lord.(easier said then done, sometimes, too, I know) Our thoughts and prayers are with you often. The Scholtens