Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another update

Things are looking up a little since last time we wrote, or at least are attitudes are getting a little better. There have been a lot of things that are different than what we expected and that are challenging, but we are learning to just take things as they are and try to make the most out of them. Our house is slowly but surely being improved, we even got a door on our kitchen today! We will put up some pictures of the house soon, once we´re a little bit more settled.

Things are going okay at the school, too. Aren really likes teaching science (although he could pass on the language classes he has to teach). I´m struggling with the second graders still, but I talked to the administration and will probably be able to change classes after this week if I want. So things are getting better, but we´re learning patience, because everything happens a little slower around here, and not always in the way we are told it will happen. Please keep praying for us, especially for our attitudes, and that we will be able to keep things in perspective!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are looking up. Hey, a door on your kitchen - that's a big improvement. You are in are constant prayers. love you guys, mom

Anonymous said...

So much of what you are going through is so familiar to us, Leah and Aren. We left for Albania with 4 young children believing that we were going to move into a new group home and instead we were plunked in the middle of a large apartment complex with water only twice a day and ZERO language skills. When we insisted that we go see the group home where we were supposed to live, we found it unfinished with no electricity and no water. We moved in anyway (hey, we had camped) thinking that would make things happen sooner but soon learned our first important word of Albanian - "nessar" which means tomorrow. We quickly learned that nessar really means "some day in the future yet to be determined". Things aren't easy but don't give up! Persevere and I guarantee you will be blessed! I'll be praying for you. Julie

Anonymous said...

If you have a door on your kitchen, does that mean no chickens comin through? Just kiddin. Keep hangin in there, you both are in our thoughts often. The Scholtens