Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's been one week...

This picture was taken on my very first day of grad school by my proud husband. Don't I look excited? I'm a week into classes now, and so far, it's been going pretty well. I am at least somewhat interested in all of my classes, and the work hasn't been too overwhelming so far. I haven't started seeing clients for clinic though, and I'm thinking I'll probably be a lot busier once that all starts. I'm kind of excited for it to start though: I'll be working with kids for the first time, and one of them is a Spanish speaker, so that will challenging but fun.

In other news, we had a very wonderful labor day weekend. We realized that yesterday was my only school day off until Thanksgiving, so we decided to go home to Michigan while we had the chance. I didn't have a lot of work, and the weather was very summer-y, so I was able to forget I was in school for a little bit; it was a nice break! We went to Crane's and picked apples, had a camp-out with my cousins and did lots of other happy things. Yay for 3 day weekends!

And on a completely unrelated note, does anyone else see a swastika in my frozen yogurt?

I think we might need to find a new grocery store...I'm not so sure about the one we bought this at!


Zach said...

uh oh its Hitler yogurt, I bet Obama put them up to this...

Zach said...

(in case you didnt know this, people have been saying Obama is the next Hitler